Cold Sores
Cold sores or fever blisters refer to facial lesions found on the area around the mouth. Cold sores usually appear on your lips. Occasionally, cold sores can be noticed on the nostrils, chin or fingers. Cold sores are painful and the swelling and redness last nearly for about 10 days. Fever sores are a reaction to the latent herpes simplex virus that is already present in the body. A person suffering from fever blisters is likely to suffer fever and headache and pain while swallowing. The cold sores may also affect the person's ability to eat. These sores later develop a yellow crust that is sloughed off to reveal new skin. Cold sores are contagious and this virus can be passed on from sharing towels or eating utensils. Prolonged exposure to sunlight may aggravate the condition of fever blisters or even bring on a recurrence. Cold sores are usually treated with anti-viral creams and cold compress. Aspirin or Ibuprufen may be taken to reduce the pain. When high fever or eye irritation is noticed, it is necessary to contact a doctor.
Lysine or L-lysine is an amino acid which is widely administered as therapeutic agent for many medical conditions. It is an essential amino acid which the human body cannot synthesize. Lysine plays a significant role in growth and metabolism. Typically an adult requires 800 to 3,000 mg of lysine daily. It is available extensively in food sources such as beef, pork, parmesan cheese, sardines and cod liver. The other sources include legumes, soy, spirulina, fenugreek seeds and nuts.
Lysine has many uses as it is predominantly involved with the growth and development in the formative tissues and their respective repair mechanism. Lysine helps in lowering the blood cholesterol level through the production of carnitine as chief component which utilizes cholesterol for the generation of energy required for the metabolic activities. Inadequate lysine can result in loss of appetite, anemia, reproductive disorders and agitation.
The other metabolic associations of lysine is the formation of collagen and also tendons pertaining to muscle tissues. It helps in maintaining the dexterity of the muscles. Lysine can be administered the treatment of cold sores caused by Herpes simplex virus. Hence, it is being widely used to treat genital herpes and other forms of lesions associated with herpes. Lysine has the unique ability to absorb calcium and hence it prevents conditions such as osteoporosis. It enables calcium absorption by preventing the urinary loss of calcium.
Side effects pertaining to lysine are only applicable to overdose. Patients who have complaints of kidney disease or liver disease should consult physician before the administration of lysine supplements. Excess administration of lysine may lead to gallstones and pregnant women are not recommended to use lysine supplements.
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is a viral infection caused by Varicella zoster virus. It is the same virus that causes chicken pox. Shingles can develop in anyone who has had chicken pox. The chicken pox virus often remains dormant in the body's nerve root cells. It may surface years later in the form of shingles. It is likely to occur when the body is weak or stressed or immune defenses are low. Shingles is not a contagious condition nor does it lead to cold sores or genital herpes.
Shingles appear as painful blisters. Shingles rashes appear as a cluster of raised red dots on one side of the body. They become filled with fluid and later dry out and form a crust. There is severe pain and sensitivity. Typically these painful blisters appear to affect one part of the body. There may be itching and tingling feeling on the skin before the shingles rashes appear. In cases of shingles where the eye is affected, it is essential to consult an ophthalmologist immediately. A patient suffering from shingles may notice fever and headache.
Calamine lotion can be applied to affected areas to soothe the skin. Analgesics or NSAIDs can help in reducing pain. Antiviral medications are often prescribed for shingles. An attack of shingles might last for about a month.
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